1. Things you should know when traveling via the Big Data Engineering hype-train

    Maybe you want to join the Big Data world? Or maybe you are already there and want to validate your knowledge? Or maybe you just want to know what Big Data Engineers do and what skills they use? If so, you may find the following article quite useful. …

  2. Scalar 2018 takeaways

    This year I once again had a pleasure to participate in Scalar conference. It was awesome as always and even better than the last year. Below you can find links and main points I noted during the conference. Enjoy. …

  3. Books of 2017

    Below you can find a list of technical and self-improvement books that I have read in 2017. The list is ordered by how much value it brought to my life, so you can treat as a set of recommendations. …

  4. MapReduce, Cats, collection-strawman and Object Algebras

    5 months ago John DeGoes wrote nice tweet about expressing map-reduce model as haskell function signature. In this article we will see how to translate it to scala and how far we can push it’s polimorphism. …

  5. Scala Typelevel Church Encodings

    You have probably heard about Lambda calculus, right? Basically everything you have there is lambdas. And to do anything with them it is nice to use Church encoding, which is a way to represent natural numbers, booleans, conditionals and simple data structures using only lambdas. …

  6. Scalar Conference 2017 Summary

    On 7th & 8th of April I’ve been at the Scalar Conference, a great event in Warsaw. Here you can find summaries of the presentations with my, totally biased and probably wrong, comments. …

  7. Typeclass: when inheritance is not enough

    If you ask Wikipedia about polymorphism, it will tell you that it is about “provisioning a single interface to entities of different types”. And this is true(remember that interface here and in whole post means API, not some element that is part of the language, like scala’s trait). In the following post we will go through a series of cases where traditional way of implementing polymorphism(by which I mean inheritance) is not enough . …

  8. static-config: 6-lines wrapper around typesafehub/config

    I have just released static-config which is very small library that allows to scrap some boilerplate when working with typesafehub/config. Here you can find motivation for writing it. …

  9. The Proof - Monad as a Monoid in Category of Endofunctors

    You have probably seen folllowing Definition somewhere on your FP path. …